Sewer & Water Committee
John Bealer
Don Read
Committee Structure; Term of Office
The Sewer and Water Committee (“Committee”) shall be comprised of three (3) members. Members of the Committee shall serve alternating three (3) year terms of office. The Board of Commissioners may appoint no more than one (1) member who is not a resident of the Township. The Committee shall be assisted in executing is duties and responsibilities by the Township Manager, or his designate, and by the Township Engineer.
Members of the Committee should have training or experience in engineering, finance, water management, or a related field.
Duties and Responsibilities
The Committee shall review, and make recommendations to the Board of Commissioners and any other Township Committee on, all water and sewer projects properly under the purview of the Township, including, but not limited to, sewage planning modules, construction standards and projects, relations with third party providers of water and/or sewer service, and requests for connections to the public sewer or water system.
The Committee shall develop, and from time to time may amend, procedures for the review of, and recommendation on, all water and sewer projects.
Recent Meeting Minutes for the Sewer and Water Committee can be found here.