Upper Pottsgrove Township
8AM to 4:30PM, Monday through Friday
New Years Day, Martin Luther King Day, Presidents Day, Good Friday,
Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving Day, day after Thanksgiving, and Christmas
Board of Commissioners—Five members, elected At-Large, to 4 year terms.
Open Space & Recreation Board —Five members appointed by the Board of Commissioners to 4 year terms.. Reviews, and makes recommendations to the Board of Commissioners, on all land acquisition and land conservation matters. terms. Reviews, and makes recommendations to the Board of Commissioners, on all park usage and development matters, and on all recreation programming.
Zoning Hearing Board—Three members, and two alternates, appointed by the Board of Commissioners to 3 year terms. Hears appeals from the Township’s Zoning Ordinance.
Sewer Committee—Three members appointed by the Board of Commissioners to 3 year terms. Reviews, and makes recommendations to the Board of Commissioners, on all water and sewer projects.
Fire Committee—Seven members appointed by the Board of Commissioners. Reviews, and makes recommendations to the Board of Commissioners, on the governance, finance, and operations of the Upper Pottsgrove Fire Company.
Beginning at 7:00 p.m. on the Third Monday of the month; First Monday as needed
Beginning at 7:00 p.m. on the Second Wednesday of the month
On an “as-needed” basis.
Beginning at 7:00 p.m. on the Second Thursday of the month
Beginning at 6:00 p.m. on the First Tuesday of the months
Public Comment is heard at Two (2) different points during the meeting:
The public is permitted to make public comment on any matter not on the agenda. This comment period is subject to the time constraint in (d) below. Public Comment is open to any legitimate item of business which can be considered by that particular Township Board or Commission (e.g. Planning Commission can discuss issues having to do with plan reviews, but cannot discuss why the Township does not plow your street sooner. The Board of Commissioners, however, can consider nearly every issue).
Public Comment at this stage is limited to the item under discussion (e.g. it is not appropriate to initiate a discussion on police services if the body is acting upon a sewer issue).
A. The Chair will announce that the Board/Commission will now hear public comment, either on a specific issue or generally.
B. You must then obtain recognition from the Chair prior to speaking.
C. Once you have the floor, state your name and address for the record.
D. You may then make your comment or ask your question. You will have three (3) minutes to make your statement, unless the Chair has nnounced otherwise, so please come prepared!
Most items on a Board Agenda arrive for Board consideration AFTER either a Committee or Township Manager’s Office review. The appropriate Committee, or Township Manager, will study, evaluate, present options, and make a recommendation on an issue or request for services for the Board to consider and act upon. Therefore, your first stop on a question of Township governance, action, or service provision should be either the Manager’s Office during business hours, or the first Public Comment period of a Board of Commissioners Meeting.
The U.S. Constitution
The Pennsylvania Constitution
The First Class Township Code, promulgated by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Legislature. The Code provides the statutory authority for all Township governance, action and services.
The Municipalities Planning Code (“MPC”), promulgated by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Legislature. The MPC provides the Township with the statutory framework for two of its primary functions, zoning and land development review.
The Township’s Codified Ordinances, which are adopted and enabled by the Board of Commissioners. The Codified Ordinances detail the implementation of the Township’s corporate powers as promulgated in the
First Class Township Code and MPC.
Basic Township Information
- Founded— 1889
- Type— Township of the First Class
- Population (2010 est.)– 5,315
- Square Miles– 5.05
- Household Income– $70,500
- Per Capita Income– $25,607
- Assessed Value— $269,117,549
- Operating Budget— $2,673,603
- Capital Budget— $121,601
- Tax Rates ~
- Earned Income—1.25% (.5% to Township; .5% to Pottsgrove School District; .25% to Open Space)
- Property Tax: Township–3.4 mills, Fire–.6 mills = Total Millage: 4.0 (Bill issued in February each year)
- Montgomery County–3.459 mills (Bill issued in February each year)
- MCCC–.39 mills
- Pottsgrove School District–37.7159 mills (Bill issued in July each year)
- Per Capita–$10.00
- Occupational Privilege–$52.00
- Zoning Ordinance? Yes
- Subdivision Ordinance? Yes
- Comprehensive Plan? Yes (Pottstown Metropolitan Comprehensive Plan in fall 2005)
- Park and Recreation Master Plan? Yes
- Open Space Master Plan? Yes (fall 2005)
- Codified Ordinance? Yes
What Services Does The Township Provide?
- Police/Public Safety
- Public Works (Snow Plowing, Road Maintenance, Sewer System Maintenance, Fleet Maintenance, Facility Maintenance, Park Maintenance)
- Fire Protection
- Code Enforcement (nuisance abatement)
- Building Inspection
- Land Development Review
- Permit Issuance
- Tax Collection
- Intra-Governmental Relations
- Archival Recordkeeping
- Recreation Programming
- Capital Planning
What Services Does The Township Not Provide?
- Social Services (Montgomery County provides most Social Services)
- Ambulance
Please contact your own provider.
Arborganic Acres is the official designated drop off site:
901 Cherry Hill Lane Pottstown, PA 1946
P.A.L. 610-327-0527
Pottsgrove Baseball
Pottsgrove Rec 484-300-9637
Pottsgrove Soccer 610-326-6767
Pottstown Recreation 610-970-6607
Please save your household hazardous waste for collection days, held several times a year by Montgomery County. More information is available at the Waste System Authority of Eastern Montgomery County’s website:
For more information call 610.278.3618.
Due to the high expense for curbside leaf vacuuming, the Township does not offer this service.
Residents are encouraged to compost leaves or to place leaves in bags and/or cans for collection by their current waste hauler.
Burning of any solid waste or recyclable material is prohibited in Upper Pottsgrove Township.
Please call the Pennsylvania Game Commission, 610-926-1966.
The Upper Pottsgrove Police Department, 610-326-8446
- Upper Pottsgrove Fire Company 610-326-7589
- Ringing Hill Fire Company 610-323-0474
- North End Fire Company 610-323-6565
- New Hanover Fire Company 610-323-0800
- Gilbertsville Fire Company 610-367-2290
- West End Stowe Fire Company 610-327-2240
- Goodwill Fire & Ambulance Company 610-970-0878
- The Pottstown Municipal Authority at 610-970-6530
Aqua of PA (north of Maugers Mill Rd, west of SR 100) at 877-987-2782
The Pottstown Municipal Authority (south of Maugers Mill, east of SR 100) at 610-970-6530
Please contact the Administrative Office at 610-323-8675 for Reservations.
- Heather Place Park Picnic Pavilion, 1420 Heather Place, 19464
- Sunset Park, 1435 Orlando Road, 19464
- Hollenbach Fields, 1390 N.Hanover Street, 19464 (when available)
- Hillside Baseball Fields, 136 W. Moyer Road, 19464 (when available)
- Exelon/PECO (north of Maugers Mill Rd, west of SR 100) at 800-494-4000 or PECO Save Website
- MetEd (south of Maugers Mill, east of SR 100) at 800-543-3636 or MetEd Website
- New Home Construction
- Sheds or Garages
- Decks
- Structural repairs to a Home (e.g. new roof trusses)
- Additions to a house
- New driveways
- All electrical service work
- New Plumbing (pipes, not fixtures)
- New septic systems (permit from MontCo Health Dept.)
- Connections to the sewer system
- Connections to the water system
- Block Parties
- Solicitation (non-political)
- Pools
- Fences
- Ponds (from PADEP)
At the Township Administration Office, 1409 Farmington Avenue or on the Township’s Website, www.uptownship.org
Permit costs are project specific. Permit fees are based upon type of project, size of project, and the number of outside agencies involved in approving a permit. The Township’s Building Inspector will inform you of the cost of permits after reviewing your application.
No. The Township requires a Use and Occupancy Permit only for new construction.
Private vendors occasionally offer to paint house numbers on curbs for a fee. These vendors have no connection with the Township and you are not required to comply. However, Township ordinance does require numbers on all buildings to be visible from the street.
The Pottsgrove Middle School, 1351 North Hanover Street, Pottstown, is the Township’s sole voting location. See http://voterservices.montcopa.org/voterservices/site/default.asp for additional info.
Magisterial District 38-2-03
Hon. Maurice H. Saylor
District Justice
1881 Swamp Pike
Gilbertsville PA 19525-9667
- Senator Robert P. Casey, Jr.
- Senator Patrick J. Toomey
- US Rep. Charles Dent
- PA Senator Bob Mensch
- PA Rep. Marcy Toepel
Pottstown Public Library
500 High Street
Pottstown, PA 19464
The following forms are available from the Forms Page of the Township website:
- Application for Pavilion Rental
- Building Permit Requirements
- Building Permit Application
- Driveway Permit Application
- Electrical Permit Application
- Plumbing Permit Application
- Swimming Pool Permit Application
- Volunteer Application
Most forms that require signatures or payments may be printed from the Forms Page first, then returned with signature to the Township.
Whenever possible, the agenda for an upcoming public meeting will be available by the beginning of the day on the day of the meeting.
The Township website features minutes from the meetings of the Board of Commissioners, the Planning Commission, the Parks and Recreation Board, the Open Space Committee and the Fire Department. These minutes are posted on the website shortly after they are formally approved or amended at the following month’s meeting.
The following markings are for underground utilities:
- RED PAINT or FLAGS — Electric
- ORANGE — Communications/Cable TV
- YELLOW — Gas-Oil
- BLUE — Water
- GREEN — Sewer
- WHITE — Proposed Excavation
- PURPLE — Reclaimed Water, Irrigation and Slurry Lines
- PINK — Temporary Survey Markings
Streets are plowed in order of importance. Maugers Mill Rd, Farmington Avenue, Hanover Street, Moyer Road, Chestnut Grove Road, State Street, Moyer Road, and Evans Road are classified as collector streets, and receive priority during snow events. Until such time as it is determined that these roads are cleared of snow and salted, no other roads are plowed.
Once these collector streets are plowed, the Township then begins plowing residential through streets. When these residential through streets have been cleared and salted, the Township then plows and salts cul-de-sacs, non-through streets, and lanes.
Please contact the Montgomery County Health Department at 610-278-5117.
Yes. The Montgomery County Health Department issues well permits. No other Township permit is required. Please contact the MCHD at 610-278-5117.
To obtain a permit for an on-lot sewage system, these steps must be followed in the order listed:
- The lot owner, or an agent for the owner, applies for a permit through the Sewage Enforcement Officer (“SEO”). The SEO for Upper Pottsgrove is the Montgomery County Health Department (610-970-5040). If the lot is in a subdivision, the lot owner should first ensure that all other state, county and local planning, zoning and land use requirements have been met by checking with municipal officials.
- The SEO measures slope and conducts soil profile examinations and percolation tests to determine if the site is suitable for an on-lot system. If suitable, the SEO determines which type of on-lot system will work best. (The types of systems are listed later in this document).
- If the site is suitable, the SEO informs the lot owner or agent to proceed with the system design. The system must be designed with certain factors in mind, including site conditions, isolation distances, percolation test results and the number of bedrooms in the home. (The SEO is specifically prohibited from designing the system.)
- Once the lot owner or agent has the design and plot plan, they are submitted as part of the permit application to the SEO. The SEO must approve or deny the permit within seven days of receiving a complete application. If approved, the SEO issues the permit and the applicant may begin installing the system and building the home. If denied, the SEO notifies the applicant and provides the opportunity for an appeal hearing before the local agency.
- The SEO may oversee any step of the installation, but must inspect the completed system before it is covered.
For more detailed information, please visit the PA Department of Environmental Protection http://www.depweb.state.pa.us/water supply/cwp/view.asp?a=1260&Q=449298&watersupplyNav=|30160|#OLDS