Trash Collection
Welcome to Upper Pottsgrove Township
Welcome to the Official Website for Upper Pottsgrove Township of Pennsylvania. Here you will find information about our staff, various township services, meeting information, zoning information, local events and other things. Take a look around but know that it is the development site and may not have complete information.
Trash Collection
The following solid waste and recycling services shall be the minimum provided to each resident in Upper Pottsgrove Township by any municipal waste/recycling collector: Trash Collection, 1 x per week; Collection of Bulk Items, 1 x per week; Collection of White Goods (The Municipal Waste Collector shall be responsible to evacuate the Freone or other coolant from White Goods in accordance with DEP requirements.), 1 x per week; Collection of Yard Waste and Leaf Waste, (Weekly, April 1 through December 15); Recycling, to include Glass – All colors • Plastics 1-7 • Newsprint/Magazines •
Aluminum, Bi-metals &Tin, 1 x per week; and Tires, 1 tire per week.
Please keep in mind that all waste haulers must conform to the township’s ordinances and must have a permit for soliciting business. Please contact the individual hauler of your choice. If you have any questions or concerns, call the township offices at 610-323-8675.
Trash Collection
- Advanced Disposal
- A.J Blosenski
- Diamond Waste Disposal
- J.P Mascaro & Sons
- Unique Waste Solutions
- Waste Management
- Whitetail Disposal Inc.
- 661-440-3700
- Call Susan Gray at 610-507-3750
- 484-985-8088
- 800-334-3403
- 484-949-1923
- 800-633-9096
- 610-754-0103